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Sue and Nina's birthday jam to Vince Giordano and His Nighthawks playing Sweet Sue
Zack's birthday and his send out jam to Vince Giordano and His Nighthawks, July 24th, 2012
Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks playing From Monday On
Dancing to Vince Giordano's Nighthawks at Sophias 11-21-11
Andrew dances at Sophia's on October 10th, 2011
Yes Sir That's My Baby -- Brian Gari with Vince Giordano & the Nighthawks
Kyla singing with Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks
Social dancing to Vince Giordano's Nighthawks, 21/05/12
"Adios Muchachos" Tango
Louis Armstrong's On the Sunny Side of the Street 外山喜雄 Vince Giordano & the Nighthawks on Broadway
Wycliffe Gordon at Vince Giordano's
Sue OBrien birthday sky dive